41 minutes ago (Thu, 5 Oct 2023 at 11:42 AM)
To:"Credit Collections - TRIMAC by ICG" <creditcollectionstr@icgteam.com>
Cc:acctrec@trimac.com, gobanion@trimac.com
Hi Shirley,
This is what I did to find the invoice #’s for this payment: Let me know if this helps or if there is anything else I can do to assist.
  • I pulled a global transaction list of open invoices for the customer.
  • Look at the date range that is being paid on the remittance backup from the customer.
  • Look at the BOL #’s on the global transaction list to see if there are any that appear to be incorrect in Dynamics.
    • (Carmeuse BOL #’s are usually 10 digits and begin with PA0)
  • Any BOL #’s on the global transaction list that doesn’t fit the “normal format”. I look up the invoice in Synergize and check the BOL # on the BOL scanned with the invoice.
  • Enter the invoice # from global transactions in the OrderNumber field without the alpha numeric at the end.
  • Click on BOL and verify the BOL # on the BOL scanned.